Pharmacy Services

Smoking Cessation

Educational and self-help materials have been shown to be effective. At the same time, it is important to accept that brief interventions are unlikely to achieve immediate success. Smoking cessation is a process; it can take numerous serious attempts (an average of five – seven) before a person quits permanently.

Our trained Pharmacists may be able to prescribe smoking cessation therapy for you to increase your success of quitting more quickly.

What is a Smoking Cessation Consultation?

A minimal smoking cessation intervention lasts one to three minutes and is provided during the natural flow of activities in a clinical or community setting;

An intensive smoking cessation is an intervention lasts more than 10 minutes and is carried out by a Pharmacist by appointment or when their time enables them to do so. Our pharmacy team will follow an evidence based, and standardized quit process that can be customized to your timeline and health goals.

The most effective method to help smokers quit is to combine pharmacotherapy with advice and behavioural support. Pharmacological options approximately double the long-term abstinence rates over those produced by placebo treatments.

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